It’s all about fun!

We are a Dutch family living in the southern parts of the Netherlands. Our family consists of 3. Mike (37), Karin (34) and Milan (7). All the Circus Pief Paf games are made and designed by the whole family. Milan mostly focusses on names, colors, funny dances and comes up with strange puzzles :). Karin works on the texts, puzzles and look&feel. Mike works on the game design, puzzles and website. By doing this we made our family band stronger than ever.

Creating unforgettable moments with your loved ones

We like to help parents and children enjoy beautiful moments with each other. We try to do it as often as we can, but we can do it so much more. Our son already knows that if we go out for diner, there is 100% attention for him, and most of all, playing games! He knows that if mom and dad play a game with him, he has all the attention. We share stories, experiences and make each other laugh.

Talking about unforgettable moments. In 2014, our lives changed in so many ways. Our son, Milan was born. But something changed in that time as well. For many years already Karin has been sick. Doctors call it fibromyalgia. We call it rheumatism to make it easier to explain. Result is the same. She can’t work and do the things she loves so much. She is in pain most of the day. Being a parent feels so much more difficult. Because of this, the value of spending quality time with our family is one of the most important things for us.

That’s why we want to create unforgettable moments for families in the world. We love to hear your own unforgettable moments with your family.

Making a virtue out of necessity

Mike makes games and experiences for large group of people. Together we run Escape Rooms Nederland for many years now. Both companies struggled due to the pandemic. With no income as a result. The beautiful upside during this period is that we spend a lot of time with Milan. We never experienced so much beautiful moments together. The smile on his face every time told us everything.

Sitting still is not in our nature. Helping people is. We got up and made a virtue out of this necessity. How could we create something which would make these unforgettable moments possible for others to experience? We created Circus Pief Paf.

Circus Pief Paf

This one of a kind circus is a metaphor for our world we live in. Our differences, our cultures, our passion, our diversity, but also the similarities. Circus Pief Paf wants to create a world where parents AND children can feel themselves. Where they are perfect the way they are. Where they are free to learn and play. Free from judgements. Doing things not because someone says so, but because you like to explore the unknown without other peoples opinions.

Playful learning

Creating fun and unforgettable moments is what we love so much. We like to include playful learning in every game. Learning without kids noticing. To give them a sense of purpose by playing games with their families. To stimulate 21st century skills. We think about how children think and challenge them in their development. But most of all, we design games to have fun together!

That is where our passion is. Children use digital devices to learn. Which is fine, but we truly believe in building experiences that you can feel and touch and where you can truly enjoy quality time together. Without screens.

We hope to bring you many more games to enjoy with your own family. To have fun and create new unforgettable experiences together. Thanks in advance for supporting us. We are very grateful if you do. It helps us a lot!

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